Fatherhood has been the most beautiful experience ever. Surely it’s a lot of work and adjustment but the amount of joy I have spending time with my daughter and wife these past several months is simply unmatched.
Over the past year I have been working on an album dedicated to my daughter, and it has been incredibly fun and to put together. Making something creative and musical for Kayla was a no brainer and I am excited about how it is coming together. For today’s newsletter, I wanted to share a few of the songs titles and the meaning behind them.
Dear Kayla - My wife reading well wishes we received at our baby shower to our daughter (recorded before she was born), over me playing the piano.
I Need a Girl - When I found out I was going to be a dad, for some reason I felt a quite strong affinity towards wanting a daughter.
Induce Labor - I took my wife’s heartrate, and used that as the tempo for this up tempo track.
Tribe - Jess and I have incredible friends and family and we are blessed that Kayla has such a great support system.
Aruba Under One - We are blessed to be traveling with Kayla in December to Aruba.
Safari Theme - The theme we went for in Kayla’s room is a, well, Safari Theme.
The final piece of the album that I need to finish up is a very special digital download that will come with the album. Stay tuned!
I interviewed a fellow incredible music tech YouTuber named Sanjay C. If you watch my channel, chances are you’ve seen some of Sanjay’s stuff. Anyway it was a great conversation and you can watch it here:
Anyone else watching White Lotus on HBO? The acting, story, cinematography, and music are all stellar and I am loving watching so much. So much, actually, that I am getting a little sad knowing we are getting towards the end of the season.
A while ago, I created a second YouTube channel called Khordmaster Keys where I planned to have all of my hour long conversations to keep them separate from my regular channel, since I felt the audiences were quite different. Update, about 6 months later? Bad idea. I don’t like having things separate. So I will be slowly sunsetting that channel once I bring all (about 12) episodes I have published there onto my main channel. One of those episodes has over 18,000 views (this one to be exact) and unfortunately there is no way to transfer a video from one channel to another without re-uploading from scratch. Oh well. On second thought maybe I will just keep that channel and not reupload those videos to my new channel, but upload only new videos to my normal channel. I’ll have to consider what makes the most sense.
To everyone reason this: I appreciate you, and I hope you’ve been enjoying having a glimpse into my world every week. It’s been really fun sharing with you all.
Enjoy the holiday weekend, to those who celebrate!